Vista Lights Highlights
Nov 20, 2022
Our annual gallery crawl came with our 1st annual tree lighting, drummers, a chorus and some really fine art. Here are a few highlights from this year’s Vista Lights celebration! It was great to see everyone having a good time.

Of course, I cleaned up the studio a little and moved the tables and easels out of the way. I was surprised how much space I actually have! Here are some of the paintings currently on display. If you see something you like, let me know. Holiday bonuses are free shipping AND free gift wrap!

As I closed up for the night, I had much to be thankful for…

Thank you,
P.S. I will be in the studio for Black Friday and Small Business Saturday. Holiday bonuses are free shipping AND free gift wrap! See you at Stormwater!
Very nice!!!
Thank you! It was a wonderful evening.
OMG it was soooo much fun gathering in your studio!! The drummers and Sweet Adelines entertainment was fabulous!! Proud of you sis!! Happy Thanksgiving and be blessed!!
Thank you! So glad you could make it. Laughed and laughed!
Love you, beautiful lady!!!
Hey!! Love you too.
I had such a GREAT time. The night was MAGICAL. The art DEVINE. But the fun and family feel was nothing short of AMAZING. Thank you for bringing the visual arts to our fair city. I am so proud of you and all you have accomplished. I was so honored to be able to share it with you.
It wouldn’t have been as much fun without you!
Plan to see you Friday! Looking forward to it!
always so great to see you and be in your creative space! ❤️🔥❤️🔥❤️🔥