Finishing What I Started
Jan 28, 2024
The paintings laying around my studio that need final touches have my attention. They need to be finished so that my new work can have my full attention. Sometimes, when I get in that head space, other paintings get caught up in all the excitement. So, “Helios,” got taken off the wall for a make-over. I gave it a little more drama by covering detail and brightening the sun.
I love my bee series. Here is one that has waited to be finished. I named it “Flora” after the main character of this book:
This is a great story told through the eyes of one single bee, Flora. Wonderful look into hive life. It has stuck with me and helped me create my bee series.
Hope your week will be buzzing with creativity. I’ll be painting.
Thank you; I appreciate your being here.
“Starting strong is good. Finishing strong is epic.” ― Robin Sharma
I loved them before but WOW the changes you made on both make them more “dramatic” in my mind !! Love them!!
Hi Flora 🐝
I am so glad you can see it. If you ever get a chance to read that book, don’t hesitate. So enjoyable.
Flora’s remarkable! Is she for sale?
Thank you, Alice. Yes, she is ready to fly! I’ll send you a DM.
Absolutely stunning! The detail is fantastic, hi Flora
That’s because you are fantastic. : ). I love you.
Both are stunning, Michel! Beautiful work!
Thank you, Amy. It was a long time coming on the big one! : )
Thanks, Liz.
I can definitely see a little more sun in Helios and some more definition in the reflection on the water, but still love my version. It sits on a wall that is visible to me from the couch in my family room. A small beauty that draws the eye towards it. I love the way you keep going back to add finishing touches to your work.
Hi Missy! Thank you for reminding me that you have a sunset too. I am so glad you are enjoying it. You sent me a picture once you hung it up as I now recall. Many thanks for giving my paintings a good home.