Peaceful Easy Feeling
Apr 9, 2022
This week, I would like to share a painting of someone I love! Here are progression shots of my painting, “Peaceful Easy Feeling,” oil, 12×12. The two subjects are close to my heart. My nephew Bobby and his wonderful dog Cauli. He and she are a pair. She loves to snuggle with him. This image caught them both in a peaceful mood. Painting the light coming from behind them was a challenge, but so beautifully lit their “togetherness.”
What images convey peaceful togetherness in your life? Indelible memories of a happy time? Peaceful easy feelings?
Thank you for allowing me to share my work with you. It is a privilege and an honor. Hope you find some peaceful togetherness this beautiful Spring season.
I’ll be back next week to share what I’ve been painting.
Wonderful painting captures the moment!
Thank you, honey. Your namesake does you proud.
Beautiful feeling of love and peace in this painting.
Thank you! It is a special one for me.
Love it
Thank you, Eileen.
What an amazingly wonderful work. Thanks for sharing it and the process. A feeling of calmness just when I needed it.
Hi Rhett. So good to hear from you! Glad the painting resonated with you!
I am so in love with this!! I love my Bobby and my grandpup Caulie and this captures their bond and how she keeps his peace!! Absolutely stunning moment in time of these two peas in a pod!!